Today we review research into what is being called 'catastrophic' forgetting and how researchers are trying to solve the problem
Today we review research from University College London (UCL) where researchers have used an "electric tongue" and AI to predict drug bitterness.
Today we review Invenio Imaging a startup backed by NVIDIA's inception program that is working to provide AI Cancer screening in just three minutes
Today we review a major breakthrough in AI-powered thought driven movement from the company Onwards successful device implant
Today we review a partnership between Whoop and OpenAI to create the first wearable AI health coach
Today we review a new AI model that can analyze sleep using a non invasive camera to diagnose sleep apnea
Today we review another leader in the AI race (Amazon) as they invest $4B in AI startup Anthropic
Today we review a new AI human patient simulator named 'Hal' and Nobel Prize-winning scientists debate on whether AI could win a Nobel Prize
Today we review an interview with Google's Chief-Clinical-Officer on the future of AI in life sciences and ClosedLoop AI is working on predicing population health
Today we review a recent funding round for Corti a company building AI assistants for doctors and a grant provided to GE Health that building AI-enabled ultrasound tools
Today we review research from Emory University that suggests ChatGPT is more accurate than other online symptom checkers and Google is working with the Government to build AI-powered microscopes that can detect Cancer
Today we review a paper published by the FDA in recognition of the impact of AI on healthcare and University of Texas at San Antonio offers the first dual MD and AI degree.