๐Ÿ”ฌ The FDA and AI

Today we review the FDA's new advisory committee focused on digital health, including AI, therapeutic apps, wearable devices, and virtual reality tools

Happy Friday!

More and more medical innovations continue to happen daily thanks to AI and Machine Learning.

With all this innovation the FDA is enlisting a new panel of outside experts to help it understand the new tech.

Letโ€™s Review ๐Ÿ‘‡

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The FDA is creating a new advisory committee focused on digital health, including AI, therapeutic apps, wearable devices, and virtual reality tools. 

The FDA previously launched a digital-health-focused center of excellence in late 2020 to serve as a coordinating hub for oversight within the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).

This new committee will provide ongoing dialogue and counsel to the FDA on technical and scientific issues. It aims to align with the industry and address shared health needs.

The committee will have nine core members and additional specialized members as needed. The FDA plans to hold its first meeting in 2024. (Read More)


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Why was the broom late to school?

It over-swept!

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  • Atomwise - Atomwise uses AI to accelerate drug discovery, screening millions of compounds daily, and delivering results 100 times faster.

    * (Visit)

  • Deep Genomics - AI platform identifies candidates for developmental drugs targeting neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders, increasing chances of successful clinical trials and reducing time and cost to market.


  • Olive - AI platform automates healthcare tasks, freeing administrators to focus on higher-level responsibilities and patient service.


  • VirtuSense - AI sensors track patient movements, alerting providers about falls. Products like VSTAlert and VST Balance predict fall risks, aiding timely interventions.


  • Viz.ai - AI-powered healthcare solutions enable care teams to react faster, detect issues, and provide prompt treatment decisions, ultimately saving lives.


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Thatโ€™s all for today!

As always, if you have feedback, new information, or want to collaborate please let me know.

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